2. A Scout's participation and level of involvement in the Troop can fluctuate during the year due to homework, illness, organized sports or activities, or other special situations. These situations will occur from time to time. Please notify the Scoutmaster if you will be temporarily inactive.
3. Boards of Review for Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class are arranged by the Advancement Chairman. It is the Scout's responsibility to request a Board of Review from either the Scoutmaster or the Advancement Chairman.
4. A Scout who requires a Troop Committee Board of Review for Star or Life must give the Committee Chairman advance notice of his coming need for a Board of Review. The Committee will make every effort to arrange a Board of Review quickly, considering Committee members' schedules and prior commitments. Be advised that the Troop committee regularly meets only once per month, and, if possible would like to schedule a Board of Review for Star or Life with this in mind. So plan ahead.
5. A Scout should prepare for a Board of Review by reviewing his Scout Handbook. A Scout is expected to appear for a Board of Review in full uniform with proper badges.